Thursday, March 24, 2016

Author Renee Sellers Bennett During Our Spring Open House March 12

 Author Renee Sellers Bennett and a few shop dealers at Antiques In Old Town
Finally sharing some photos from Renee's book signing at our Spring Open House a few weeks ago. It is amazing how time gets away when you are thinking spring, decorating the shop, and finding treasures to share with our friends and customers. We had a lovely time with our guest author Renee Sellers Bennett. Her book Hearts Immersed Within (part memoir/part recipe) is as delightful as she is.  
In Renee's words:  I don’t just love to cook, I cook to love and I am not alone. Find yourself mirrored in the stories I tell. Embrace cooking as a gift-an expression of love. This book was written with a truly southern flair to convey the distinctive words and expressions unique to the South. Join me on the personal journey that led me to the kitchen as I reveal some of most treasured recipes, but most importantly – do not forget the relish! We cook for love, we cook for joy. We cook when death knocks at the door, our hearts full of sorrow - when we can do no more, than offer the repast from our hearts.
Complete with ninety recipes - each one yummy and easy to make! Renee shared one with us during her event at the shop.
You can find Renee's book on Amazon. Just click here to go there!
Look for more authors to join us for book signings later this summer!

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